What Issues Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix?

cosmetic dentistry Chicago, IL

There are countless adult dental patients that request cosmetic dentistry treatments to fix various issues in the smile. Small cracks and big adjustments can all be accomplished with one of the many cosmetic dentistry procedures available at our office.

Issues fixed by cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dentistry that focuses specifically on the beautification of smiles. If your teeth are discolored, deeply stained, missing, broken or misaligned, there are treatments for you.

Missing teeth

When a tooth goes missing, not just the smile suffers. The functionality of the bite greatly decreases, even with a single tooth missing. Furthermore, if a missing tooth is not replaced quickly, the jawbone will start to shrink away from disuse. This shrinking can cause a displeasing sunken look in the facial shape, adding years onto the face and making an individual look much older than they are.

Cosmetic dentistry treatments that can fix missing teeth include dentures, fixed bridges and dental implants. Depending on the lifestyle and budget of the patient, we can replace the tooth based on their exact specifications.

Dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth. These helpful devices are the only of their kind to actually utilize the jaw and prevent deterioration of the bone. Maintaining the jawbone will make a person look younger, and can provide the best functionality. Even for those missing all their teeth, there are dental implant options for full smile restoration.

Chipped teeth

Especially as we grow older, our teeth are susceptible to damage. Whether it be a big break or a small chip in the edge of a tooth, cosmetic dentistry can help. As long as the tooth is structurally sound other than the break, it can be restored using a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments such as dental bonding, veneers and crowns.

Dental bonding involves the cosmetic dentist using a composite resin material to complete a tooth when a chip has occurred. The tooth-colored resin is applied directly to the tooth and shaped to appear natural. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are designed to cover a variety of dental issues, including chipped teeth. Veneers are bonded directly to the front of teeth to improve appearance. If a tooth is not stable and needs restoration, a crown can be used to cover, protect and restore the tooth.

Stained teeth

Deeply discolored teeth (either from years of staining or repeated dental procedures) can add an unwanted distraction. For teeth that are simply stained, a teeth whitening treatment can help bring out the brilliance in a smile. The whitening agent is applied directly to the teeth and left to sit over a predetermined period of time. Professional whitening can last for years, so try not to opt for drugstore, at-home kits as they are not as effective.

Other discolorations that cannot be solved by whitening can be fixed with veneers. Patients can choose the exact shade and shape of veneers so their teeth appear brighter and more uniform. If there is one stained tooth that has stability issues as well, a crown can be useful.

Gapped or misaligned teeth

Invisible aligners and veneers are often used to treat gapped or misaligned teeth. Veneers create a straightened appearance, while leaving the natural teeth underneath left alone. No orthodontic treatment is necessary if a patient chooses to get veneers placed.

Invisible aligners gradually straighten the teeth discreetly, using clear plastic trays that are barely noticeable in the mouth. Plenty of adult patients with minor to moderate crooked teeth reach for invisible aligners, as they are not noticeable and work better with their lifestyle.

Looking to improve your smile?

Give our office a call today to set up a consultation. Cosmetic dentistry can help fix all your teeth issues and give you the smile you have always wanted.

Request an appointment here: https://www.brightsmile-dental.net or call Bright Smile Dental at (773) 733-5876 for an appointment in our Chicago office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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